Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Next Christmas...

I will have all my duckies in a row, the shopping will be done no later than December 15th, my gifts will be wonderfully and creatively wrapped a la Martha Stewart, and my home will look like a fine boutique all tastefully decorated for the holidays!

Ok, this may be a pipe dream, but check out this awesome post over at Full House.  I am in awe over how lovely her home looks (and hello, she had kidlets - FIVE of them).  And those decorations??  OMG, I drool.  Those dots are genius.  Someday I say, someday!!!

Anybody want to share some of their original holiday decorating ideas?  I won't be showing mine this year because they are way lame.  :)

I did grab a quick photo of my three lovies after we decorated our mish mosh tree.  I will NOT be buying my tree from Home Depot ever again.  Pretty sure we are going artificial next year.  This guy is already drooping pretty badly.


  1. Cute photo! We will be watching our friends 2 border collies for two weeks over Christmas. So our old Aussie will be having his god brother and sisters again and I will have 3 herding dogs in the house! I just posted a few of my handcrafted shell ornaments. We like to get a real tree and support the farmers who raise them. So what if it droops! I like mish mosh, as long as the decorations are from the heart! Right! Martha smartha! Happy Holidays!

  2. Sounds like you are in for a real treat with all those dogs. Watch your ankles! :)
    I agree, I have always loved the real trees, but the droop interferes with my desired decorating style. LOL The kids do love going through the ornaments and reliving all the memories of when they got them, etc.
